Company Initiatives - Giving Back to Our Community
A good education combats many social concerns, especially in the "Developing Country" of the Dominican Republic.
Education is the key to obtaining and retaining better and more quality jobs, self-confidence, self-reliance, and better work ethics at home and at work. Therefore, we participate in various fundraising efforts for local schools. Some of our amazing owners, and repeat vacationing clients donate good-used clothing, school supplies, and money, which we provide directly to the good local schools.
All donations we receive are either delivered personally by us or donated to reputable tour companies that visit schools on a regular basis.
Note: Please do not give cash directly to children, or others soliciting children. You may feel you are helping, but you are hindering their future. Giving money to children rarely benefits the children and may not even stay with the child. This activity by tourists promotes begging, keeps them out of school, and undermines the value of education and honest work. An exception may be made if the child is offering a legitimate product or healthy service, and the money is NOT going to an adult using children for solicitation (personal gain). Children in the tourist zone of Punta Cana / Bavaro are not hungry and most are well clothed, However, many still lack education.
We collaborate with Rescatame, who have joined forces with Dog & Cat Rescue of the Dominican Republic ( Both are non-profit organizations whose aim is to help sick, or abused dogs and cats, and those without a home in the DR. In 2014, Rescatame launched its first 3 day open clinic with numerous volunteer Veterinarians who flew in from around the world to treat over 1,500 dogs throughout the country. This same compassionate effort now continues annually with the free immunizations, spaying and neutering of thousands of stray dogs and cats in the Dominican Republic as well as low-cost services for pet owners who cannot afford ongoing vaccinations for their pets.
One of Rescatame’s goals is to collect enough funds to open an additional, and much needed refuge center in the Punta Cana/ Bavaro area. Volunteer help is always very welcome and appreciated.
Our agency, on your behalf, can also pass your donations of money, collars/ leashes, bleach, dog / cat food, etc. directly to the Rescatame organization. Maria has personally adopted 2 dogs from this great and much needed organization. Our Agency has also assisted in the adoption of 11 other dogs over the years. 7 of these dogs are now living in the U.S. or Canada.
Reliable Realty strives to empower our community to keep streets free of trash and to recycle. In the past, and coming soon again, we have provided numerous signs over outdoor garbage cans to encourage trash clean up. In 2013 the local municipality followed our example by providing numerous, permanent trashcans with similar signs, in Spanish, placing them throughout the Bavaro/ Cortecito and Friusa areas (unfortunately, they removed our signs at the same time their signs went up... lol).
On occasion, when enough caring owners are visiting, we coordinate TRASH CLEAN UP days, focusing our attention on cleaning the trash along the side streets of El Cortecito, or seaweed from the Bavaro beaches. Clean streets eliminate flies, mosquitos, and rat infestation. Clean beaches provide more tourism and better TripAdvisor and Facebook reviews.
By coordinating our "clean up days" with the help of children who attend the local schools. Property Owners can show children "by example" the importance of clean streets and the occasional beach seaweed. This hands-on activity carries with the children of this generation to the next generation by educating the children of today how cleaner streets and beaches promotes more tourist/ repeat vacationers/ and even more property purchasers.
Partner with Us!
Interested in partnering with us in one of our initiatives? Please CONTACT US
Reliable Realty will match 50% of all cash donations, up to $200.00 U.S. Donations can be made via PayPal or, if you live in the DR, can be made through a direct bank deposit. If you are planning a visit, we can accept donations in cash, and will provide you with a receipt. Or, if you’d rather connect directly to these partnering organizations, we can point you in the right direction.